Here, we provided to Environmental Education And Disaster Management For Diploma. Environmental education (EE) refers to organized efforts to teach how natural environments function, and particularly, how human beings can manage behavior and ecosystems to live sustainably. It is a multi-disciplinary field integrating disciplines such as biology, chemistry, physics, ecology, earth science, atmospheric science, mathematics, and geography. The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) states that EE is vital in imparting an inherent respect for nature amongst society and in enhancing public environmental awareness. Free download PDF Environmental Education And Disaster Management For Diploma.
However, it sometimes includes all efforts to educate the public and other audiences, including print materials, websites, media campaigns, etc.. There are also ways that environmental education is taught outside the traditional classroom. Aquariums, zoos, parks, and nature centers all have ways of teaching the public about the environment. Free download PDF Environmental Education And Disaster Management For Diploma.
An environmental disaster or ecological disaster is a catastrophic event regarding the environment due to human activity. This distinguishes it from the concept of a natural disaster. It is also distinct from intentional acts of war such as nuclear bombings. Free download PDF Environmental Education And Disaster Management For Diploma.
In this case, the impact of humans’ alteration of the ecosystem has led to widespread and/or long-lasting consequences. It can include the deaths of animals (including humans) and plants, or severe disruption of human life, possibly requiring migration. Free download PDF Environmental Education And Disaster Management For Diploma.
A diploma student must have knowledge of different types of pollution caused due to industrialization and construction activities, so he may help in balancing of eco-system and control pollution by providing control measures. They should be also aware of the environmental laws for effectively controlling the pollution of the environment. The topics are to be taught in light of legislation Para-3. Free download PDF Environmental Education And Disaster Management For Diploma.
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What is a Disaster?
A disaster is defined as a disruption on a massive scale, either natural or man-made, occurring in short or long periods of time. Disasters can lead to human, material, economic or environmental hardships, which can be beyond the bearable capacity of the affected society. As per statistics, India as a whole is vulnerable to 30 different types of disasters that will affect the economic, social, and human development potential to such an extent that it will have long-term effects on productivity and macro-economic performance. Free download PDF Environmental Education And Disaster Management For Diploma.
Disasters can be classified into the following categories:
- Water and Climate Disaster: Flood, hail storms, cloudburst, cyclones, heat waves, cold waves, droughts, hurricanes.
- Geological Disaster: Landslides, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes
- Biological Disaster: Viral epidemics, pest attacks, cattle epidemic, and locust plagues
- Industrial Disaster: Chemical and industrial accidents, mine shaft fires, oil spills,
- Nuclear Disasters: Nuclear core meltdowns, radiation poisoning
- Man-made disasters: Urban and forest fires, oil spill, the collapse of huge building structures
What is Disaster Management?
Per the Disaster Management Act of 2005 defines Disaster Management as an integrated process of planning, organizing, coordinating and implementing measures which are necessary for-
- Prevention of threat of any disaster
- Reduction of risk of any disaster or its consequences
- Readiness to deal with any disaster
- Promptness in dealing with a disaster
- Assessing the severity of the effects of any disaster
- Rescue and relief
- Rehabilitation and Reconstruction
Table of Contents:-
- Introduction
- Pollution
- Water Pollution
- Air Pollution
- Noise Pollution
- Radioactive Pollution
- Solid Waste Management
- Legislation
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Disaster Management
Basics of ecology, Ecosystem, Biodiversity Human activities and its effect on ecology and ecosystem, different development i.e. irrigation, urbanization, road development, and other engineering activities and their effects on ecology and ecosystem, Mining and deforestation and their effects. Free download PDF Environmental Education And Disaster Management For Diploma.
Lowering of water level, Urbanization.
Biodegradation and Biodegradability, composting, bioremediation, Microbes.Use of biopesticides and bio fungicides.
Global warming concerns, Ozone layer depletion, Greenhouse effect, Acid rain, etc.
For complete syllabus and results, class timetable, and more pls download iStudy Syllabus App. It’s a lightweight, easy to use, no images, no pdfs platform to make student’s life easier. Free download PDF Environmental Education And Disaster Management For Diploma.
Preliminary knowledge of the following Acts and Rules made thereunder:
- The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act – 1974.
- The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act – 1981.
- The Environmental Protection (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act -1986. Rules notified under EP Act – 1986 Viz.
- The Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemical (Amendment) Rules, 2000
- The Hazardous Wastes (Management and Handling ) Amendment Rules, 2003.
- Bio-Medical Waste (Management and Handling) (Amendment) Rules, 2003.
- The Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) (Amendment) Rules, 2002.
- Municipal Solid Wastes (Management and Handling) Rules, 2000.
- The Recycled Plastics Manufacture and Usage (Amendment) Rules, 2003.
Basic concepts, objectives, and methodology of EIA.
Objectives and requirements of the Environmental Management System (ISO-14000) (An Introduction).
For complete syllabus and results, class timetable, and more pls download iStudy Syllabus App. It’s a lightweight, easy to use, no images, no pdfs platform to make students’ life easier. Free download PDF Environmental Education And Disaster Management For Diploma.
Environmental Education & Disaster Management detail BTEUP Diploma syllabus for Electrical & Electronics Engineering, effective from, is collected from BTEUP Syllabus official website and presented for diploma students. The course details such as exam duration, Teaching Hr/week, Practical Hr/week, Total Marks, internal marks, theory marks, duration, and credits do visit complete sem subjects post given below. The syllabus PDFs can be downloaded from the official website. Free download PDF Environmental Education And Disaster Management For Diploma.
For all other electrical & electronics 6th sem BTEUP diploma syllabus you can visit Electrical & Electronics 6th Sem BTEUP Diploma Syllabus Subjects. The detailed syllabus for environmental education & disaster management is as follows. Free download PDF Environmental Education And Disaster Management For Diploma.
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