Here, We provide to Oscillations Waves & Optics for Msc Entrance. This textbook offers an entire and rigorous presentation of the basics and applications of wave optics. The material of the book covers topics on wave nature of light—reflection, refraction, polarization, diffraction, dispersion, and scattering of electromagnetic waves. The interference phenomenon is discussed both by the division of wavefront and by a division of amplitude.
Diffraction is classified as Fresnel diffraction and Fraunhofer diffraction. The discussion on Fraunhofer diffraction has been used to explain the theory and resolving power of optical instruments. The role of phenomena of dispersion and scattering of light has been lucidly explained in the field of communication of information, its quality and content. The last three chapters are dedicated to the study of the recently developed modern topics—lasers, holography, and fiber optics—all of which have opened immense opportunities for brand spanking new applications in almost all branches of science and engineering. Though the book is meant for the undergraduate students of physics—both honors and general courses—it also will be useful to candidates meaning to sit the competitive examinations.
This book may be a comprehensive text for undergraduate and postgraduate students of physics. The presentation of subjects, the order of topics and the treatment is well suited to those who require a basic understanding of the subject. An attempt has been made to derive every formula from the elemental laws of physics incorporating the small print of mathematical steps and their logical necessity. At some places, generality and mathematical rigor have been sacrificed to make the chain of logic more distinct, clearly bringing out the physical reasoning.
The treatment reads as physics instead of mathematics with mathematical arguments appearing only as tools to realize physical understanding. The book uses Cartesian coordinates and SI units and includes a complete list of references at the end of the book. The concepts are illustrated by numerous worked-out examples. Also included are carefully selected problems at the top of the chapters. In a lucid and straightforward style, the book provides a scientific and thru treatment of the topic which the scholar will haven’t any difficulty in following.
SIZE – 8.9MB
PAGES – 188
The present book is meant for the students of undergraduate Science and Engineering courses. This course finds lots of applications, right from Mechanics, Sound, Optics, Solid State Physics, Electrodynamics to Electronics. The chapters cover a huge number of topics like free, forced, damped oscillations, normal modes of vibrations, sound waves, overdamped and ballistic oscillations, LCR circuits, etc. In every chapter, the topics are dealt with in detail followed by illustrated solved examples and unsolved exercises. Some previous experience with a Calculus course in which differential equations have been discussed is highly desirable. However, the details of the steps in arriving at final solutions are worked out in detail. The book, thus, acts like all text-book and at an equivalent time, no help book is required for further details.
This book is designed as per the recommended syllabus of AICTE for the Physics courses: oscillation, waves and Optics and quantum mechanics. The book explains the simple Harmonic Motion with a number of examples of Mechanical and Electrical oscillators, transverse and longitudinal waves followed by an introduction to dispersion. As the book advances, it describes the propagation of light, Geometrical Optics, the phenomena of interference and Diffraction, followed by lasers and their latest applications. Coverage also includes an introduction to quantum mechanics, solution of wave-equation and introduction to solids and semiconductors.
Assuming familiarity with the laws of physics and college-level mathematics, the book focuses on oscillations and waves whose governing differential equations are linear. The author covers aspects of optics that crucially depend upon the wave-like nature of sunshine, like wave optics. He also introduces the traditional complex representation of oscillations and waves later within the text during the discussion of quantum mechanical waves. This helps students thoroughly understand the way to represent oscillations and waves in terms of normal trigonometric functions before using the more convenient, but far more abstract, complex representation.
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