Here, We provided A Textbook of Quantum Mechanics. This textbook is written as a basic introduction to quantum physics to be used by the undergraduate students in physics, who are exposed to the present subject for the primary time. Providing a mild introduction to the topic fills the gap between the available books which give comprehensive coverage appropriate for postgraduate courses and therefore the ones on Modern Physics which provides a rather incomplete treatment of the topic leaving out many conceptual and mathematical details. Free download PDF A Textbook of Quantum Mechanics.
Besides the students of physics, the book can also be used by students of chemistry and first-year students of all branches of engineering for gaining a basic understanding of quantum physics, otherwise considered a difficult subject. The book provides a comprehensive introduction to the fundamental concepts, mathematical formulation, and methodology involved in the development of quantum theory. Free download PDF A Textbook of Quantum Mechanics.
It traces the development of the concepts and the basic interpretative postulates and reconciles them with ordinary real-life experiences.
The development of wave mechanics, scattering theory including Eikonal approximation to the scattering amplitude, inelastic and double scattering phenomena are discussed in detail. Free download PDF A Textbook of Quantum Mechanics.
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PAGES – 152
It includes Schrodinger’s wave mechanical language, provides solutions to most of the problems dealing with quantum systems, and discusses ‘propagators’ and various pictures of time evolution. It introduces the abstract vector space characterization of the quantum systems and therefore the ‘Dirac notation’ and includes a neighborhood on ‘Tensor Operators’ and the ‘Winger Eckart theorem’.
A large number of solved examples would be useful not only to graduate students but also to students involved in advanced research related to quantum theory with applications to elementary particles and solids. Free download PDF A Textbook of Quantum Mechanics.
The Second Edition of this concise and compact text offers students a radical understanding of the essential principles of quantum physics and their applications to varied physical and chemical problems. This thoroughly class-texted material aims to bridge the gap between the books which give highly theoretical treatments and therefore the ones which present only the descriptive accounts of quantum physics. Every effort has been made to make the book explanatory, exhaustive, and student-friendly.
The text focuses its attention on problem-solving to accelerate the student’s grasp of the essential concepts and their applications. It includes new chapters on Field Quantization and Chemical Bonding. It provides new sections on Rayleigh Scattering and Raman Scattering. It offers additional worked examples and problems illustrating the varied concepts involved. This textbook is meant as a textbook for postgraduate and advanced undergraduate courses in physics and chemistry. Solutions Manual containing the solutions to chapter-end exercises is out there for instructors.
This book aims The UGC curriculum of physics for Quantum Mechanics. Though designed for B.Sc. (Hons.) and M.Sc. (Physics) courses, it might also function, a useful reference for chemistry students. Emphasis has been laid on physical concepts with details of necessary mathematical steps. Salient features: Clear presentation of concepts. Student-friendly approach.
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