It’s challenging to prepare for the previous month. But you can do it easily by making LAST MONTH PREPARATION TIME TABLE FOR JEE 2020. The JEE Main 2020 will be conducted by The National Testing Agency (NTA) for admission to Undergraduate Programs in NITs, IIITs and other Centrally Funded Technical Institutions (CFTIs), etc.
JEE is the key to get Admission in many Universities. Therefore you require this key for future scopes. The next academic year (2020-2021) in two phases, the first phase for Admissions to B.E./ B.Tech(Paper-1) & B. Arch/ B. Planning (Paper-2) from 6th Jan to 11th Jan 2020 and the second phase for admissions to B.E./ B.Tech (Paper-1) & B. Arch/ B. Planning (Paper-2) between 3rd April to 9th April 2020. Students have the option to appear in one or both phases.
JEE Main 2020 January attempt on January 6 to 11. It has become crucial to make a timetable for the preparation of JEE Main 2020 for one month that is left. Even if you have covered the whole syllabus but failed to revise the concepts, formulas, and theories before the final day, you may not be able to recall them all inside the examination hall. So, to avoid such a situation, it’s better to make JEE Main preparation 2020 timetable for one month and follow it religiously.
This JEE Main 2020 preparation timetable for one month will help you in both the attempts of JEE Main, since, the syllabus will remain the same. It is not a good idea to devote your hours to the timetable preparation. LAST MONTH PREPARATION TIME TABLE
JEE Main Preparation Time Table for 1 Month
The timetable made week wise and day wise keeping in mind the Syllabus. Candidates must be Healthy and fit. Because, only if you are healthy and in a comfortable space, you will be able to perform better in the exam.
How to Study for JEE Main in the Last One Month:
An ideally, Clever student must have completed the syllabus by now. The following points would, however, count.
Time Management: Perfect planning is most famous for preparing and dealing with the syllabus. So, this is the time to consolidate your development and ensure that you do exceptionally well in the actual JEE(Main) exam.
- Subjects Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics are equally important. So, divide these remaining weeks into the three subjects
- Prepare a chapter-wise and topic-wise revision schedule.
- Create short notes and list all Tricks & points to remember. These things will help in quick revision.
Focus on your Key:
The way to right preparation is correctly and timely planning. Toppers divide their preparation time wisely. They stick to a single system of development and have trust in themselves. Thus, they build up their confidence level up to crack any difficult question.
Study Material & Important Topics:
Please Don’t start any new books at this stage. This stage should be utilized more for problem-solving, developing short cuts, and memorizing tricks, understanding one’s strengths & weaknesses. Students must take up Mock Tests. Time Management is better to score more marks in the JEE (Main).
Essential Topics in Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics:
The syllabus of class 11th & 12th is equally distributed the question paper in JEE Main. When you are preparing all chapters of Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics, Importance may give on the following topics.
Mathematics: Quadratic Equations & Expressions, Complex Numbers, Probability, Vectors, Matrices in Algebra; Circle, Parabola, Hyperbola in Coordinate Geometry; Functions, Limits, Continuity, and Differentiability, Application of Derivatives, Definite Integral in Calculus.
Physics: Kinematics, Gravitation, Fluids, Heat & Thermodynamics, Waves & Sound, Capacitors & Electrostatics, Magnetics, Electromagnetic Induction, Optics & Modern Physics.
Chemistry: Coordination Chemistry & Chemical Bonding in Inorganic Chemistry Electrochemistry, Chemical & Ionic Equilibrium, Mole Concept in Physical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry.
Plan in the Last One Month
LAST MONTH PREPARATION TIME TABLE should generally utilize to consolidate one’s preparation by focusing on revision, problem-solving, and overcoming the weaker topics in development. However, the following points should keep in mind:
- Remain focused and maintain a positive attitude while studying.
- Practice by solving quizzes/Mock Tests of JEE Main level problems with time management.
- Speed & Accuracy will be your key in JEE Main
- Sample papers will give you a fair idea of questions and help to improve time management.
- Focus on your weaker topics and strengthen your concepts.
- Remember, take short breaks of five to ten minutes after every one or two hours of serious study. Relax you completely when you take a break.
- Meditation to develop Concentration, poise, confidence. These will help you on the day of examination.
- Don’t pressure yourself. Five to six hours of sleep every night is a must. Avoid over-sleeping during the day.
Strategy in JEE(Main) Paper:
Sometimes the Right Strategy and Time Management play a useful role in deciding the rank for the student. The following points may be kept in mind when attempting the questions.
Do’s for JEE Main 2020-
- Attempt easy questions first.
2. Choose sections that have less risk and more gain.
3. Carefully scroll through the entire question paper in the first 5 minutes.
4. Keep a check on time while attempting the paper
5. Attempt all numerical based type questions first as there is no negative marking.
Don’ts for JEE Main 2020-
- Don’t start with questions you don’t know.
2. Don’t get upset if any section is confusing. You can score in other parts.
3. Don’t guess if you have no idea about the concept involved in a question.
4. Don’t be nervous if you find the paper tough; put your best analytical mind to work; it will take you ahead.
Key points that will decide Rank in JEE Main (Paper-1):
- How well you handle the critical topics in each of Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics.
2. How much practice you have done on similar levels of questions as asked in JEE Main.
3. How well you have perfected on your timing of solving an objective type question.
4. How much attention you have given to time management & Strategy apart from covering your syllabi.
5. How much calm & confident you are when you take up the actual exam.
Tips for the JEE(Main)-Final Exam Day & a day before:
- Think positively, and Don’t talk anything about JEE (Main) with others.
- One day before JEE Main, do not study anything new.
- Stay calm, and believe in yourself.
- Brush up important tricks in all three subjects.
- Say to yourself- “I am ready for JEE Main, and I can crack it easily.”
- Relax yourself a day before the actual exam to give your best on the exam day.
- Don’t ask your friend how much they have studied. It will create unnecessary pressure.
- Prepare yourself to reach the exam center at least half an hour before the exam starts.
- Ensure to carry your JEE Main 2020 Hall Ticket and follow the instructions as per the hall ticket. Avoid borrowing anything inside the examination hall.
Finally, it is the relative performance that will matter on the exam day. So, put in your best performance and you will crack JEE Main 2020.